Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Creativity Coaching - A Must for Small Business

"The way of the creative works through change and transformation, so that each thing receives its true nature and destiny and comes into permanent accord with the great harmony; this is what furthers and what perseveres." (from I Ching)

Creativity Coaching may sound as if it is only for those in creative and artistic endeavors, such as writing, acting, painting, etc. But in truth, every creative endeavor needs a good dose of “Creativity Coaching”.

Is there anything more creative than building a business? Is there any need greater than trying to be creative in building that business?

A good Creativity Coach can help business owners develop new ideas, new methods of doing things, new ways to make their business grow. Working with a good Creativity Coach can help to keep the business moving toward the top – and remember if you don’t move forward, you WILL move backward.

As a woman who has built several successful businesses. I know well the “need to do everything myself pitfall” that business owners fall into, because I was once there.

Just as an actor needs a director to do his/her best work, just as a football player needs a coach to play the best game, a business owner needs a coach to cheer him/her on and a director to help move him/her forward. This is where Creativity Coaching comes in.

A first-class Creativity Coach can change a mindset from “my business is my love, my hobby, my everything” to “my business is a good business and it will bring me a good life”.

Directors of museum and art galleries, directors of ballet and opera companies can benefit greatly by using the services of the Creativity Coach. Too often the director of a museum, a ballet company, an opera company, a theater group, and so on, is so busy being involved in fund-raising, development, and planning programs, that they often forget the important aspect of goals. What is needed here is a Creativity Coach that not only understands the creative side of things, but also the business side of things. Creativity Coaching can be done through person to person contact, through e-mails, through telephone contact, or however it works for the parties involved.

“I am powerful and successful. I live in total financial abundance. I have created a secure financial future. I deserve it!“ – Aurore Leigh Barrett

Personal Note: Having worked as a professional actress, and acting coach, I understand the actor’s temperament and have coached actors, writers and artists for many, many years and continue to coach for the artistic communities. I especially like to work with actors wanting to gain strength and insight into a character.

As a writer and poet, I have helped many writers organize their working and writing schedules through personal coaching sessions.